Ban the banks, only systemic change can prevent global economic collapse

Today on The Janssen Report (#45): Is “banning the banks” an idea going mainstream? …or so we are led to believe if we read this article on (April 27, 2014).

There might be a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel. I do see more and more coverage in the media of the (fatal) flaws in the current banking system. The discontent is mostly visible in the alternative media, but even in the cautious coverage by the mainstream media might indicate we are close to a mass wake up call.

The global financial system is bankrupt, bubble-stricken, pretty much dead and buried. I believe there is only one way to solve this and prevent the entire system from collapse: banks should be stripped of their money printing capabilities and be reduced to facilitators of economic activity.

Looking at it from the current societal paradigm, money printing should be left to the government and only in a way that serves the interests of the people. Money creation should be restricted by asset backing (gold, silver or any other asset that could serve that purpose) and should be brought into the economy free of interest. Do your research, people.

Link to Business Insider article:… Link to Bank of England report:…


Marco Janssen

The Janssen Report

Global Economy
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Central Banks
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