I appeared on The Last American Vagabond with my friend Tim Bryant today discussing the massively deceptive “Free Trade Agreements” out there such as TTIP, TPP, CETA and TISA.

We discuss what free trade agreements are, what the current deals are about and what the advantages are that are usually cited by politicians:

The European Commission says that the TTIP would boost the EU’s economy by €120 billion, the US economy by €90 billion and the rest of the world by €100 billion.

We also talk about the dangers we encounter once we examine these agreements under the hood. The agreements are not (just) a free-trade agreement. It’s international legislation overriding the national laws of participating countries. An example of this is the ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement), which has led to a lot of controversy, even with EU politicians.

Watch this interview here:

Check out The Last American Vagabond:

Sources (among many others):


Marco Janssen

The Janssen Report