
The TRUTH about our world today: something is seriously wrong… or isn’t it?

Today on The Janssen Report: what is YOUR gut feeling about the world today? In this report I ask you to step away from the official narrative for a second. We can analyze all we want but we know even science isn’t as solid as we’re led to believe… what’s …


Hyper overvaluation and income disparity: the moral hazard cycle

Today on The Janssen Report: quite a few positive headlines in the mainstream news. Hmm, I wonder why that is… In this video we go over some of those headlines and juxtapose them to the other reality out there (which I feel is THE reality). It’s not that I like …


Stop TTIP: awareness of this monstrous treaty gaining momentum (demonstrations throughout Europe)

Welcome to the second special Janssen Report of today, October 10th 2015. This is a brief recap of the afternoon and evening in Amsterdam concerning the demonstration against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). After the actual protest march in the afternoon there was an additional program of workshops …


Threat to our democracy: why we need to stop TTIP and TPP

Today on a special Janssen Report: a recording I made while driving… on my way to Amsterdam to join the anti-TTIP demonstration. In case you do not know what it is: it’s the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. And it is NOT good. Not good at all. Watch the video …


Greece and the False Narrative – Austerity is a Giant Bank Bailout at the Expense of the Tax Payer

NO against austerity! Today on the Janssen Report: the Greek people have spoken. And yet many people in the EU (and beyond) deem the austerity measures imposed on the Greek people justified. Let’s call it what it is, shall we? We are led to believe that the Greek people are …


Financial devastation doesn’t have to bring you down; take action and lead the change

Today on the Janssen Report: there is a plethora of ‘truth’ reporting out there, discussing every aspect of what’s wrong with the financial system. Considering the sheer magnitude of critical observations, one might be inclined to dismiss it as ‘fear mongering’. Indeed, it seems some are in it for the scare. …


Interview on DEBT, USURY & BANKER DESIGNED SERFDOM — Marco Janssen

I talk with Sean of about how debt and usury are enslaving humanity around the world. Marco Janssen on June 2015 Marco Janssen from The Janssen joins me to dissect the devious and malevolent plans of the International Bankster elite. As Marco points out, the blueprint of the Banksters …


The US Unemployment Farce: Low % Hides the Abysmal Reality… Watch the Labor Participation Rate!

Today on The Janssen Report (#101): as we see the mass media reporting on “major” events such as the looming Greek default (and Grexit…), the reality of the economic numbers in the US is masked. Hardly any critical reporting goes on in the media, so let’s have a look at …

Global Economy

Confiscation in progress in Greece, negative Euribor and Euro Area debt at new high

Today on The Janssen Report (#99): excesses in our monetary system keep piling up, while Greece is on the verge of breakdown. Euribor, the inbank-loan rate in the EU, is now negative (-0.001%). This means that banks are now getting paid to borrow! Meanwhile the Greek government is ordering local …


IMF makes billions in profits on Greece loans; how usury forces more debt on the people

Today on The Janssen Report (#98): Greece just repaid 450 million euros of its debt to the IMF that was due today. Are the loans really what they seem? The IMF makes huge profits in the process. According to Debt Jubilee Campaign the IMF has made more than 8 billion euros in gains on …