Collapse Global Financial System – Janssen Report 5: SPECIAL


Through this video I am informing everybody in my network (and beyond) about the collapse of the financial system as we know it.

I have come to the conclusion that it is not a question of IF it will collapse, but rather WHEN the collapse will be completed. I believe we are already past the point of no return.

The global economic crisis has a profound cause: the foundation of our financial system is rotten. There are three main reasons for that:

1. The dollar was taken off the gold standard in 1971, and with it, most other currencies as well. This meant a free ticket for central banks to print unlimited quantities of currency (which took a while, but has in recent years really taken off). The Federal Reserve in the United States has indeed been cranking up the printing presses like crazy: 85 billion dollars are created every month OUT OF THIN AIR.

2. Governments these days do not own the monetary system! In fact, the power over money is in the hands of the elite banks. Most of the central banks in the world are not state-owned, but are privately held and controlled by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel. This is a privately held company. Much of the national debt is created when governments borrow money from the central banks (who are separate from government!).

3. The fractional reserve lending system allows commercial banks to create significant quantities of currency out of thin air based on ‘real’ value deposited by clients. This has led to a debt-based economy that has grown out of proportion. The debts cannot be paid back, because we are borrowing from the future at an accelerating pace.

Now, my point consists of the following three main themes:

A. The consequence of this global financial system is that wealth is moving from the middle class and the poor to a very tiny elite. I do not necessarily refer to a conspiracy here, but I just point out that wealth flows to those who hold the big assets and who know how to play the ‘money’ game.

B. I want to inform everyone that there is a way to deal with this wealth depletion (if you are among the 99%): the next big bubble will be gold and silver and I expect it to be huge. The largest investors and some of the biggest economies are moving into gold and silver, yet the price still remains low. THIS WILL CHANGE AND IT WILL CHANGE BIG, as markets always seek fair value. And we have seen this happening in the past many times over.

C. It is never too late to educate yourself and now is the time to get yourself up to speed about the economy to form your own opinion! I explained this as concisely as I can in this video.

For more detailed information have a look at the following videos:

1. Money As Debt, an entertaining animated film about how ‘money’ is created as debt; it is easy to understand and shows why this system is unsustainable:

2. Banking 101, by PositiveMoney: a series of short videos on the general misconceptions of our banking system and how it really works. It covers the same ground as ‘Money As Debt’, but sheds a slightly different light on the issue (consists of 6 parts):

3. A SHOCKING and straightforward presentation about The Incredible And Ever Growing Wealth Inequality in the world (the data used are in line with my personal findings from official and alternative sources):

4. Mike Maloney’s stage presentation on the Debt Collapse, the severe undervaluation of gold and silver and the Golden Opportunity that presents itself (runtime 1 hour 30 minutes):

If you are interested in buying gold & silver bullion, then go here: or contact me if you would like my assistance.

Or if you want to get some more information first, send me an email at:

Thank you for your attention and hope to see you take action!

Cheers, Marco Janssen

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