Fake economic growth, borrowing wealth from the future, deflation or inflation

Today on The Janssen Report (#27): Please share this video! And thank you for your emails… Keep them coming!

How does our financial system work?

What will our debt-based economies lead to?

Will there be deflation or inflation?

With the use of a simple model I explain in (hopefully) simple terminology how our fiat currencies fuel our debt-based economies and why this system must be perpetuated in order to prevent a deflationary collapse in the short run. In essence we are borrowing wealth from the future. Tax payers will be presented with the bill. In the long run a collapse WILL happen considering the hyperinflationary path they always choose.

Think about it: deflation will cause the economy to come to a grinding halt (and banks will lose wealth). Inflation can be used to prolong the system and keep the wealth flowing to the powers that be.

Hope this insight helps!


Marco Janssen

Global Economy
Instituting Global Governance Through A Pre-Planned Event – Interview on Rethinking the Dollar

Today I appeared on Rethinking the Dollar to discuss how the world is now captured by the roll-out of global governance system through a pre-planned event. Check out the interview here: Hope you will enjoy the talk Mike and I had. See you soon! Cheers, Marco Janssen

Central Banks
The demise of the European Union: ECB failed monetary policy – interview on SilverDoctors.com

Haven’t we seen enough of the failed monetary policy in the Eurozone? Why is the European Central Bank (ECB) restarting the Asset Backed Purchases program it abandoned recently? As I have shown over and over again on The Janssen Report the Keynesian monetary stimulus programs of the central banks will …

Central Banks
EU Crumbling and Insane Policies of the ECB – interview on Rethinking the Dollar

Today I am featured on Mike’s RTD Live Talk to discuss some of the problems in the EU and the insane monetary policies of the ECB. In this interview we go over matters like the new round of quantitative easing that Mario Draghi recently announced, economic problems in the European …