Federal Reserve and other central banks fail to create recovery & are we seeing the covert (monetary) comeback of gold?

Today on The Janssen Report (#93): time and again we see the failure of central banks to create recovery in the real economy. There is no true improvement in the jobs market, no wage increase, and inflation is going down rather than up. The housing market is also not performing.

It is therefore no surprise that Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen is kicking the can of interest rate hikes down the road. There simply isn’t any recovery. In the mean time we see negative interest rate policies (NIRP) applied in the Eurozone, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden and even negative returns on corporate bonds such as BMW, BP and Nestle!

The question that is hardly addressed in the media is this: CAN central banks really stimulate economic growth? They are there for the banking sector, not for the public. They save the banking system at the expense of the tax payer and the value of their money.
What central banks’ policies have done is create asset bubbles and major distortions across the board. This is a dangerous and unsustainable situation.

An important connection to be made here is this: why has gold been slammed by banks & the mainstream media for such a long time?

Why are all these major banks heavily involved in fixing the gold price? 10 major banks are currently under scrutiny in the US for rigging the gold price, such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale, etc. And, why are countries such as China and Russia stockpiling gold? Why are central banks buying it? According to several experts such as veteran Richard Russell it’s because gold is about to make a major comeback on the monetary scene. Are we witnessing the birth of another gold standard?

IMPORTANT: understand what’s going on. Don’t buy into the “recovery” narrative. It’s in plain sight: the economy has been grinding to a halt and is on the brink of collapse. I personally think they are trying to keep the party going until they will reset the global monetary system. Remember what happened in the 1930s? Well, this one is going to be much bigger and will have much more of an impact on all of us.

Watch this episode of The Janssen Report here:

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Marco Janssen

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