The destruction in plain sight: terrorism around the world, Obamanomics in the US

Today on the Janssen Report: terrorist attacks in March in many parts of the world. Brussels, but let’s not forget Pakistan, Turkey, Ivory Coast and Mali for instance. Another type of destruction is taking place globally: economic. In the US we have Obamanomics, which has led to abominable results.

According to an article that appeared on (which was a rendition of a few older articles listed below in the sources):

The nine charts illustrate that Obamanomics has dramatically increased both consumer and government debt; driven U.S. workers out of the labor force in a manipulation of statistics designed to allow the Bureau of Labor Services to report an unemployment rate that is artificially low; increased health-care costs despite the passage of the Affordable Care Act; and produced a questionable economic recovery, with U.S. growth rates still hovering at near-recession levels of economic stagnation.

Watch this episode of The Janssen Report below:




Marco Janssen

Central Banks
The demise of the European Union: ECB failed monetary policy – interview on

Haven’t we seen enough of the failed monetary policy in the Eurozone? Why is the European Central Bank (ECB) restarting the Asset Backed Purchases program it abandoned recently? As I have shown over and over again on The Janssen Report the Keynesian monetary stimulus programs of the central banks will …

Central Banks
EU Crumbling and Insane Policies of the ECB – interview on Rethinking the Dollar

Today I am featured on Mike’s RTD Live Talk to discuss some of the problems in the EU and the insane monetary policies of the ECB. In this interview we go over matters like the new round of quantitative easing that Mario Draghi recently announced, economic problems in the European …

Julian Assange arrested – the War on Truth rages on!

Today on The Janssen Report: a dark day for truth. Julian Assange was arrested. He was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London this afternoon. Shame one all involved in the arrest of Julian Assange today. This is a man who published truthful information and now serves as an …