The Masses are Waking up, Nuit Debout Gatherings Spreading in Europe

Today on The Janssen Report: people are increasingly dissatisfied with the corruption and anti-social political decision-making in Europe. Nuit Debout is a new phenomenon that started in Paris on March 31st and is currently spreading to multiple countries (and numerous cities) in Europe. People gathering to discuss different topics on economics, politics and other matters they find of importance.

The corporate mainstream media hardly reports on it and if they do, they cover mostly the negative aspects (such as rioting).

I think it’s a very positive sign of the masses waking up to the harsh reality of fascism and economic slavery that we are facing.

Watch this episode of The Janssen Report:



If you’re American and you now of any similar movements in your city, please let me know. I’d love to hear about that.

Links & sources:



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