Warmongering, MH17, Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, Iraq and the Role of the Media; Say NO to War and the NWO

Today on The Janssen Report (#60):
Mass hysteria in the media around the horrible downing of flight MH17 has once again proven to be highly dysfunctional. Western media were quickly blaming Russia and Putin for this malevolent event.

However, there is not a single shred of evidence to back up this claim.

I call upon everyone to take a step back and think about all the major events in the world today, such as Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq.
Let’s say NO to these small groups of people at the political top who are calling the shots and are making people go to war.
It is all about their agenda for control over resources, money, and the population.

The New World Order (NWO) is very outspoken about their goal to unite the world under a single world government, using a single world currency with a single world army (or rather: a global Police State).

Watch today’s episode of The Janssen Report here:

Be very careful in following the mass propaganda, do your own research and be critical of what goes on in the world.


Marco Janssen

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